
Go Get Lost Reviews

Very good9%
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Activity Level:
8 Days

Sicilia, an exotic island embedded in the sapphire blue Mediterranean, renown for its endless coastlines, fiery volcanoes, and eerily beautiful islands peopled by a mixture of cultures and bloodlines as diverse as the rugged landscape. Coveted and claimed by the Greeks, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs, Normans, Spanish, Bourbons, and finally the Italians, the island nation has absorbed and distilled the customs of all its past conquerors. Blessed with amazing variety of products from the land and sea, Sicilian cuisine bursts with flavor, color, and fragrance. Rich volcanic soil produces powerful spicy red wines and also delicately sweet dessert wines. Once you’ve tasted homemade cannoli and sipped Nero d’Avola wine you’ll understand why Sicilians are so proud of their island’s culinary heritage.

The Sicilian landscape provides dramatic and diverse vistas on our journey, from the verdant valleys and vineyards of the Mt. Etna’s slopes to the stark beauty of its fiery peak, from the seaside ambiance of the achingly beautiful Aeolian Islands to the historic surroundings of Taormina and its ancient Greek Theatre. Sicilia…a fascinating land of intense beauty, warm people, and dramatic contrasts.
You’ll relax in 3 and 4-Star hotels, enjoy the company of your private guides, and dine on plenty of regional cuisine to help you recharge. Plan to fall in love with the landscape, the towns, the food, and most of all, the people!

Tour Dates & Pricing

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Day 1- Etna

You should plan to arrive in Catania's airport by midday today. You'll be met and whisked to your gorgeous hotel on the slopes of Mt. Etna. Spend the rest of the day relaxing by the pool and admiring the mountain scenery. Tonight you'll meet the rest of your group and sit down to an amazing meal of local Sicilian specialties.

Many regions of Italy are famous for a type of cooking known as cucina povera, a term used to describe simple dishes derived from peasant staples. Sicilian cooking is a different thing entirely! Here is one of the foremost kitchens of Italy, overflowing with an endless variety of seafood, vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, grains, and wines. Although the simple elegance of peasant cooking has contributed greatly to modern Sicilian cuisine, the culinary expertise and sophistication of the royal chefs of Sicilia have defined and refined the culinary art of this island nation. Considered to be the most coveted and valuable possessions of the nobles in the "Kingdom of the Two Sicily's", their private chefs were in great demand over all of Europe for hundreds of years. As if all this wasn't enough, Sicilia is also famous for its sumptuous desserts. Cannoli, tiramisu, and sorbet all originated here, and the ice cream and gelato of Sicilia is "poetry in the mouth!" Luckily we can enjoy this great heritage of incredible food every day that we're in wonderful Sicilia!
All of the great food and wine combined with a little jet lag will insure that you sleep well tonight!

Day 2 - Mt. Etna, Villages and Wine

After breakfast today we'll leave the resort in 4x4 vehicles accompanied by a nature guide for a day exploring the fascinating regions on the slopes of the volcano. The lower slopes of this massive volcano mountain are home to dozens of villages and countless farms and vineyards where families have braved the wrath of Etna for generations to produce the fruits, vegetables, and wines that supply much of the region. Mount Etna is also the highest active volcano in Europe and UNESCO World Heritage Site. You will reach and hike the inactive volcanic cones which are surrounded by lava sediments, admire the amazing Valle del Bove, enjoy an off-road excursion into the forest, visit a lava flow cave. At midday you'll visit one of the iconic wineries for which Etna is famous. Here you'll have a tour to see how the winemaker transforms the produce of the land into his own artistic expression. Of course you'll have a wine tasting, followed by lunch.

In the afternoon you will visit some of the small villages that dot the countryside to get a sense of what a typical Etna town is like.

Day 3 - Hiking on Mt. Etna

Today we have a local volcano guide accompany us on our exhilarating trek on Sicilia's greatest natural attraction and one of the world's largest and most active volcanoes, Monte Etna. The ancient Greeks viewed it as the home of Vulcan, god of fire, and home of Cyclops, the one-eyed monster. Etna continually reminds us that she is far from dormant. In 2002 Etna put on an awesome, dramatic display of volcanic fireworks that spewed ash and smoke over a mile in the air, while new flows of lava traced her slopes. As recently as March and November of 2023 Etna was producing new ash cones and a river of lava on her eastern flank. And even into June of 2024, Etna was again erupting lava. Etna is also the tallest mountain in Sicily, with a landscape that changes dramatically from vineyards and farms to stands of pines that give way to alpine scrub as the altitude increases. Eventually the surreal views of ash, lava, and steam dominate the land.
The route of our walk today will depend partially on the weather and partially on Etna's ever-changing mood! We'll use 4WD vehicles and our own two feet to explore the incredible landscape and breathtaking vistas the volcano rewards those who dare to tread her slopes. This is one of the few places in the world you can experience an active volcano…along with all of the fascinating effects that go with it…lava fields, columns of steam and gasses, rift chasms, and smoking craters. At times irregular explosions deep underground can make the ground tremble and shudder…no wonder the ancient Greeks deemed it the home of Vulcan! Bring your camera, today the panoramic views will astound you!

After a thrilling day on Etna we'll journey the short distance to the enchanting city of Taormina, perched high on a mountainside overlooking the seaside beaches of the Mediterranean. After checking into our hotel, if time permits the rest of the afternoon is free to explore and check out the local shops, or maybe visit the beach where you can soak up the warm Italian sun, relax in the shade of a beach bar with a chilled glass of Sicilian white wine, walk in the surf, or take a cool dip in the sparkling blue Mediterranean.
This evening we will meet to walk to a nearby restuarant for dinner.

Day 3 - Taormina

After breakfast this morning we'll make our way to the enchanting town of Castelmola, an authentic medieval village perched on a craggy peak overlooking Taormina with a beautiful vista of coastline and sea. The panoramic view from the walls of Castelmola encompasses the Pelitorani Mountains to the north, the Strait of Messina and Calabria on the Italian mainland to the east, Taormina and the Bay of Naxos at our feet, and to the south, the ever-present Etna. The town of Castelmola is as enchanting and quaint as any small village in Italy. Winding streets, tiny squares, and unique shops provide plenty of opportunities for exploring this morning. Your guides will take you to a few of their favorite haunts, too! Eventually we'll leave Castelmola and meander down through the mountainside villages and winding streets toward Taormina. This section of the walk often provides excellent views of brooding Mt. Etna and great photo ops of the coastline and postcard-perfect Isola Bella, just offshore. We'll also visit the famous Greek theatre, hewed out of the rocky slopes of Monte Tauro. Pre-dating even the Romans, the Greek theatre provides one of the classic views of Sicily, ancient ruins, Mt. Etna in the backround, and a beautiful coastline curving away to the horizon.

Be sure to pack your swimsuit today, because by midday we'll be relaxing at our beach party, complete with food and drink, at one of the most scenic spots you can imagine! Tonight you are free for dinner. Taormina boasts an abundance of excellent restaurants and cafes, each with its own interpretations of classic Sicilian fare and usually featuring a “house specialty” seafood or pasta dish. Your guides can recommend some of their favorite haunts, or you can wander the streets and enjoy your own discovery! If shopping is your thing, tonight would be a good time to wander through the shops in Taormina and pick up those gifts for the folks back home. There’s no shortage of shops in Taormina, clothing, shoes, crafts, and of course, wine shops abound!

Get a good night's sleep, though, because tomorrow we have another beautiful area to explore…we’re off to the islands!

Day 4 - Aeolian Islands

After a typical Italian breakfast, we'll hop on our private coach and head north to board our ferry at the port of Milazzo, the jumping-off point to reach the fabled Aeolian Islands. Ancient Greek sailors believed these seven islands were the home of Aeolus, god of the winds. He supposedly lived in a cave on Vulcano, keeping the winds of the world in a bag to be opened only with great caution. The islands themselves are volcanic in origin, and with a mix of history, small town atmosphere, intensely flavored cuisine, and natural beauty, each of these islands has its own character. The islands' culture extends back 6000 years, and there is evidence of trade with virtually every important Mediterranean culture, from the Etruscans to the Greeks. Our first stop, the island of Vulcano, juts from the crystalline waters of the Tyrrhenian Sea 34 miles from the mainland of Sicilia. The island is composed of four volcanoes, (three dormant and one active) and its geological structure offers spectacular volcanic landsapes characterized by huge lava rocks set in the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean and long beaches of black sand. In ancient times the island was known as Thermessa, and due to the constant activity of its volcano was thought to be the gateway to Hades, the afterworld. We'll have a vucanological guide take us on a hiking excursion on a trail the zigzags up the slopes of the volcano. During the ascent you will be fascinated by the amazing view of Vucanello, the Saraceno Mount, Porto di Levante, Porto di Ponente and Lipari Island! Reaching the top you will find the fumaroles and you will feel a strong smell of sulfur; and will finally see the mouth of the Gran Cratere, also known as teh Vulcano della Fosse. the only remaining active cone. It hasn't erupted since 1890, but one look inside the sulphur-belching hole makes you understand the hellish legends surrounding it. From the crater's edge you'll also have one of the most panoramic views of the Aeolian archipelago…need I say it…bring your camera?

Following our volcano trek, if time permits you can wander the quaint town on Vulcano before we relax in a local café for lunch. Later this afternoon, our private boat will pick us up and provide us with excellent views of the coastline and tiny islets as we motor to the nearby island of Lipari, our home for the next two days. The main town on Lipari, (also named Lipari), sits on a plateau of red volcanic rock framed by two beaches. Lipari island is known as the "white island" from the huge deposits of pumice which have been mined since ancient times. Pumice is so plentiful you'll find little bits of it washing up on the beaches, bobbing in the water, and for sale in the shops. Thanks to pumice dust on the seabed, the water refracts gorgeous colors, from turquoise to bright emerald.
Tonight the guide will be taking you to dinner at one of their favorite local haunts. All of the dishes that Sicilia is famous for can be found on the islands, with the addition of the incredible fruits of the sea caught by the local fisherman. The seafood that you'll be served tonight was swimming in the ocean just a short time before it appeared on your plate! The guides will also introduce you to more of the excellent Sicilian vintages. Experiment and Enjoy!

Today's hike is rated MODERATE. The hike has a total distance of 4.2 miles, and a hiking time of about 2.5-3 hours. It has an elevation gain of 1,270 feet and the same elevation loss. Some of the trail is on country lanes and road surfaces, but much of the trail surface is a sandy, rocky path. There is no shade on this route, bring good sun protection.

Non-hiking Option: You can stay and explore the town of Vulcano Porto and then meet the group later for lunch.

Day 5 - Quattropani, San Calogero, Pianoconte

Today we'll journey to the other side of Lipari island, for a walk along the dramatic cliffs of the western coast, where we can see how the history of the civilization of the Aeolian Islands is extraordinarily ancient. Here nature and spirituality merge, set between the soft lines of an uncontaminated and silent landscape and the few, simple signs of an architecture as elementary as it is full of meaning and charm. The Chiesa Vecchia di Quattropani, an ancient place of worship located in this enchanting place from which you can enjoy a breathtaking landscape, became the destination of many pilgrimages. It's an oasis of peace, a small and geometric white sanctuary where silence, the colours of the sunset, the sea, the majesty of nature and the view of the islands give deep serenity.

Banks of long abandoned terracing high over the windswept coast precede the curious ancient spa named after San Calogero, the popular saint associated with spas and mineral waters and revered throughout Sicilia. More recently, in archaeological excavations, near the thermal baths of San Calogero, an ancient tholos tomb from the Mycenaean period was brought to light. It is here that Saint Calogero is attributed with causing the hot therapeutic waters to flow from the rock flanks, not to mention banishing all the devils of Lipari. Furthermore the saint miraculously extinguished the flames during an eruption of the island's volcano. (During that occasion the womenfolk of the island vowed to never let wine touch their lips again if the fires would only cease.) The spa itself is believed to have been built in the 15th century BC by the Myceneans, and then remodeled by the Romans in the 4th century BC. It is the oldest known spa in the entire Mediterranean.
Our path will take us along wild cliffs overlooking the sea far below, through olive groves and gardens filled with dwarf palms, grape vines and caper plants. Windswept ruins, stunning views of rocky pinnacles and cliffs, lonely huts, and deserted coves thick with seabirds will provide ample photographic opportunities. We'll stop off at a local winery for our well-deserved wine tasting and lunch. The hiking day will end in Pianoconte, a suggestive hilly hamlet within the island of Lipari, which offers an authentic and fascinating glimpse of small village life in the islands.

Tonight you'll have the evening free to wander the streets and seaside lanes of Lipari town as you follow your nose to a local trattoria for dinner. As usual, your guides can direct you towards some of their favorites. An after-dark stroll through Lipari town to admire the stars and seaside beauty will be the perfect cap to an active and exciting day.

Today's hike is rated MODERATE. The hike has a total distance of 5.6 miles, and a hiking time of about 3-4 hours. It has an elevation gain of 1,302 feet and an elevation loss of 1,427 feet. Some of the trail is on country lanes and road surfaces, but much of the trail surface is a sandy, rocky path. There is very little shade on this route, bring good sun protection.

Non-hiking Option: You can stay and explore Lipari town for the day, or take a taxi to meet the group at the winery for lunch and a ride back to town. Or you can take a ferry to the nearby island of Salina and explore the town there.

Day 6 - Go Get Lost Day

Today it’s all about freedom, exploration, and getting lost on your own! Your guides will offer LOTS of popular options for activities and adventures, and you can choose to do as little or as much as you want.
Of course you could easily fill an entire day shopping and exploring the byways of Lipari-town. Lipari has lots of lovely cobblestone streets and hidden neighborhoods waiting to be discovered by the curious walker. The town also abounds with shops that cater to visitors and locals alike.
The island also boasts one of southern Italy's finest museums, the Aeolian Archaeological Museum, which houses original artifacts from the original Neolithic settlement and includes obsidian knives and fabulous Greek vases. Located on a seaside rocky promontory overlooking Lipari-town, the museum is a fascinating way to while away a few hours.
Or, if you prefer, you can grab your bathing suit and head to one of the beaches in the nearby town of Canneto! A few hours spent frolicking in the cool waters of the Mediterranean might be just the antidote to the hot Sicilian sun!
One of the most popular options on your Go Get Lost day is to board one of the local ferry boats and visit the nearby islands of Panarea, Salina, Alicudi or Filicudi. Each island has a slightly different atmosphere which makes for a great day of exploration. The island of Panarea also features an excellent walk for those so inclined.
Private charter boats are also available for special sightseeing itineraries of the other Aeolian Islands. Adventurous souls can boat over to the tiny island of Stromboli to hike to the top of the volcano (or view from the boat) for a spectacular and unforgettable nighttime explosion of lava!
Yet another option is to take your own island tour with a rental car on Lipari's winding seaside roads. Villages and windswept coastlines will provide ample scenery for your road trip around one of the most beautiful islands in Europe!
Whatever you choose to do today, be sure to take plenty of digital photos to share with the gang tomorrow!

Day 7 - Catania

This morning we bid the islands goodbye as we board our ferry for the short trip to Milazzo, where our private coach awaits. A relaxing drive along the coast soon brings us to the bustling city of Catania, where you'll check into your 4-Star hotel in the city center. This afternoon you'll enjoy a walking tour of the historic sites of Catania, including the spectacular Piazza del Duomo, with its splendid Cathedral and the “Liotru”, the lava stone elephant and Piazza Università. The walk approaches the majestic Via Crociferi (Unesco World Heritage Site) with the famous Monastery of St. Benedict, made known by Verga’s novel “History of a Capinera”.

Tonight we’ll also have a spectacular farewell dinner to cap off our wonderful adventure in Italia! Adventures (and misadventures) from the trip are re-lived and laughed about, everyone and everything is toasted, addresses and e-mails are copied, and heartfelt goodbyes are exchanged with all your new lifelong friends that you "Got Lost" in Italy with.

Day 8 - Arrivederci Sicilia

Your Go Get Lost tour ends after breakfast this morning. Your guide can help you arrange your onward transportation to the nearby Catania airport.


Due to availability at the time of booking, hotels listed may change to similar hotels

Etna - 4-Star Cavanera Etnea Resort: Cavanera Wine Resort is an extraordinary structure on the slopes of Etna, located about 600 meters above sea level. Nestled among the vineyards of Nerello Mascalese, Nerello Cappuccio, Carricante and Catarratto, it enjoys a favorable position between the historic municipalities of Castiglione di Sicilia and Randazzo. They are ancient vineyards, some even over a hundred years old, with younger portions due to the replanting that the company has carried out over time, the expression of a centuries-old vineyard that the Etna farmer, from generation to generation, has planted by selecting the specimens that expressed the best fruits and plants of the territory. Etna is in fact the land where everything is beyond all limits, surpassing all imagination. Volcanic lands are powerful because they are young and Etna is geologically a newborn. Guests have access to 21 double rooms with atmospheres dominated by colors combined with furnishings that combine modern style with the typical charm of this Sicilian paradise. You can relax in their pool or the Etna Wine Bar, lingering over a glass of wine while contemplating the awesome majesty of the volcano.

Taormina - 4-Star Hotel Villa Diodoro: The Hotel Villa Diodoro, in the historic center of Taormina, is the "Home" of those who enjoy the best of life, relaxing in the splendid panoramic swimming pool in front of the unique view of Etna and the charm of the Bay of Naxos. With more than a century of history, the Diodoro, a monument among monuments, was dedicated to the Greek historian Diodoro Siculo, an illustrious character who lived in the city, narrating in his writings the discovery of Taormina by those gentlemen who gave the world beauty and sun, art and culture. The 102 rooms of the hotel are furnished with great simplicity and elegance at the same time, with parquet floors, elegant bathrooms in red Verona marble, large windows, boiseries and ancient prints of the Greek theater of Taormina. The hotel is a place of peace and tranquility to enjoy colorful sunsets or the incredible spectacle of lava eruptions or even the view over the roofs of the ancient city of Taormina.

LIpari - 3-Star Giardino Sul Mare: The “Giardino sul Mare” hotel is a simple hotel just a few minutes walk from Marina Corta, the small and characteristic fishing port. It is located on a rocky ridge overlooking the Mediterranean, the largest island of the Aeolian archipelago. Our seaside rooms have private balconies and provide a stunning view of the Bay of LIpari. You can lounge by the pool or access the ocean directly from the hotel. In their their terrace restaurant, admiring the Sicilian coasts, you can taste the typical dishes of the area.

Catania - 3-Star Habitat Boutique Hotel: The Habitat project was born in 2014 from the intuition of a couple of architects – Marianna Nociforo and Antonio Spera – who decided to bet on Sicily, the land where they were born, after several experiences abroad. The dream: to create the ideal habitat to discover the true essence of the island , inside a historic building, in a dynamic urban context, enjoying a high standard of services and a relaxed and informal atmosphere, authentic and far from stereotypes. Habitat Boutique Hotel is located in the heart of Catania, a few steps from the Massimo Bellini Theatre, and today houses 16 rooms, the Materia | Spazio Cucina, the Habitat Studio architecture firm , a relaxation room, the reception and the Orto degli Aromi , a vertical vegetable garden that rises in the space inside the building. The rooms of Habitat are all the result of careful research aimed at the architectural recovery of the historic building. Some original elements are combined with marble, velvet, resin and contemporary furnishing solutions that, together with designer furniture, give the rooms a refined and comfortable style . Each room, a living experience.


What´s Included

  • 2 overnight in Deluxe Room in Firriato Hospitality - Cavanera Etnea Resort & Wine Etna
  • 2 overnight in Hotel Villa Diodoro Taormina
  • 3 overnight in Sea Side Room in Hotel Giardino sul Mare Lipari
  • 1 overnight in Deluxe Room in Hotel Habitat Catania
  • 7 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 4 dinners, and 2 wine tastings
  • All dinners and most lunches include water and local wine
  • Entrance fee for Ancient Theatre in Taormina
  • Full day excursion with jeep 4x4 and Naturalistic Guide in Etna
  • Visit and wine tasting with lunch at winery on Etna
  • Private English-speaking Volcanological Guide in Etna
  • Beach party with lunch in Taormina
  • One-way ferry ticket MILAZZO – VULCANO
  • English-speaking Volcanological Guide in Vulcano
  • Private boat from Vulcano Island to Lipari Island
  • English-speaking Guide in Lipar
  • Visit, wine tasting and lunch at Lipare wine estate
  • One-way ferry ticket LIPARI – MILAZZO
  • Private transfers as per the itinerary, from Day 1 to Day 8
  • English-speaking Guide in Catania
  • City tax
  • Completely escorted by a local Go Get Lost group leader with specialized guides at specified sites throughout itinerary.
  • All tips for waiters at group meals, drivers and local day guides, EXCEPT for your primary local tour leader
  • A lifetime of unforgettable memories!

What´s not Included

  • International airfare
  • Departure transfers, tour begins with pickup at the airport in Catania on Day 1, and the tour ends at the hotel in Catania on the morning of day 8.
  • Gratuity for your primary local Tour Leader
  • Any costs associated with options on Go Get Lost Day
  • Visa fees, if applicable
  • Meals not specified in itinerary
  • Beverages at meals unless specified in itinerary (water and wine included in all group meals)
  • Trip Cancellation/Interruption and Medical Insurance (strongly recommended), call for details)
  • Single supplement charge
  • Items of a personal nature; phone calls, laundry, etc.

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