
Join Go Get Lost on an epic journey across western Sicily. We’ll cross panoramic landscapes, marvel at the diverse culture, enjoy the exquisite food, and taste world-class wines from some of Sicily’s best producers! This distinctive tour starts in the famed wine region of Marsala, on the gorgeous Tyrrhenian Sea, and works its way south and east along the coast, taking in the amazing Greek archaeology along with vineyards both famous and unknown. Crossing the less-traveled interior, you’ll discover beautiful historic cities and wander into picturesque villages full of culture and charm. Ideal for those who enjoy food, wine, culture, and amazing history, this journey will make you fall in love warmth and hospitality of Sicilia! You will sleep in beautiful accommodations (four and five star properties), dine on delectable food, (from local restaurants to expert chefs) and tour some of the planet’s best wine estates (with plenty of private tastings, as you can imagine). If you enjoy traveling in a small group led by a local expert, enjoy European culture, amazing landscapes, historic cities, world-class wines and superb cuisine…this trip is for you. Get off-the-beaten path and Go Get Lost®.

  • Savor the wide assortment of Sicilian desserts…some of the most famous Italian dolci reach their peak here…the velvety richness of Sicilian gelato and the crunchy goodness of fresh cannoli.
  • Relax and sleep well in the rustic elegance and peaceful surroundings of a Sicilian wine estate, where we often make our home during our journey around Sicily.
  • Linger over a glass of fine Sicilian wine as the winemaker explains his vision and passion for the craft.
  • Marvel at the immense historical legacy and artifacts of one of Europe’s oldest civilizations.

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8 Days

Led by professional Sicilian tour leaders, we’ll discover the some of the best areas of this wonderful country! The accommodations are unique and reflect the area, and we’ll even stay in wine estates for three of the nights. As usual, we’ll enjoy eight private cellar tours and tastings at a variety of vineyards…from regional producers unknown outside Sicily, to some of Italy’s most renown winemakers! In addition we’ll have our own private motorcoach and driver along with our local tour leader and expert guides in various locales, all working to see that you have an amazing experience! (This is a small-group experience, don’t get left behind!)

Tour Dates & Pricing


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Day 1 - Ben Venuti a Sicilia!

Upon arrival in Palermo you'll make your way to our beautiful 4-Star hotel in the heart of the city. Your Go Get Lost adventure starts in the late afternoon with a walking tour of Palermo to get the feel of this vibrant, historic city. To start our culinary adventure, tonight we'll have a very special group arrival dinner in a superb restaurant. Many regions of Italy are famous for a type of cooking known as cucina povera, a term used to describe simple dishes derived from peasant staples. Sicilian cooking is a different thing entirely! Here is one of the foremost kitchens of Italy, overflowing with an endless variety of seafood, vegetables, fruits, herbs, nuts, grains, and wines. Although the simple elegance of peasant cooking has contributed greatly to modern Sicilian cuisine, the culinary expertise and sophistication of the royal chefs of Sicilia have defined and refined the culinary art of this island nation. Considered to be the most coveted and valuable possessions of the nobles in the "Kingdom of the Two Sicily's", their private chefs were in great demand over all of Europe for hundreds of years. As if all this wasn't enough, Sicilia is also famous for its sumptuous desserts. Cannoli, tiramisu, and sorbet all originated here, and the ice cream and gelato of Sicilia is "poetry in the mouth!" Luckily we can enjoy this great heritage of incredible food every day that we're in wonderful Sicilia!
All of the great food and wine combined with a little jet lag will insure that you sleep well tonight! A perfect way to end your first day in Sicilia!

Day 2 - Sirignano, Rapitala and Firriato

We say farewell to Palermo today and head south, with our first stop at the Sirignano winery, in the heart of Marquises de Gregorio family estate. This farm bears the name of the ancient Sirignano countryside "Baglio" or as it is known in local Sicilian dialect “Bagghiu”. A Baglio is a characteristic building of feudal Sicily which consists of a farm with a large courtyard inside where the landowners and the farmers once lived. On this fertile land, for centuries Marquises de Gregorio family has been caring for the vineyards and the olive groves. Today the winery is lead by Marquis Massimo de Gregorio, who, with great passion and devotion, takes care of the entire production process: from grape variety selection through to bottling and selling. Protection of environment is the philosophy that their company was founded on. For this reason they use no chemical fertilizers or phytosanitary products, and produce excellent organic wine and extra virgin olive oil. At Sirignano we'll have a tour of their cellars and of course a tasting of their wines. An excellent lunch will follow.

After lunch we'll relax in our private coach for a journey through the Sicilian countryside to our next venue...Tenuta Rapitalà. In 1968 Hugues Bernard count de la Gatinais, born in St. Malo in France in 1940, for eight years an officer in the French navy, married Gigi Guarrasi, a descendant of a large Palermo family. With her he undertakes an exciting and courageous adventure: the reconstruction with modern criteria of the cellar destroyed by the earthquake in the Belice Valley. The greatest attention of the Count de la Gatinais is dedicated to the varietal and cultural conversion of the vineyards. Thirty years ago in Sicily the great French vines were added to native vines. Today the work begun by Hugues de la Gatinais and his wife Gigi is carried out by his son Laurent with the same care and the same passion. Rapitalà is one of the most prestigious Sicilian wineries, the undisputed protagonist of the enological renewal of the island. The estate extends for 225 hectares in the territory that descends from Camporeale towards Alcamo, on gentle hills between 300 and 600 meters, on a land where clay and sand alternate. The perfect exposure and the composition of the soil make it ideal for growing the finest vines. On this ancient land dominates a landscape of vineyards that chase each other and draw geometries of rows, which the sun and the colors of the Mediterranean transform into golden hills. Rapitalà is a real name, it comes from Arabic (Rabidh-Allah "river of Allah" from the stream that flows between the vineyards), and testifies that these fields were cultivated since ancient times. Over the centuries, generations of farmers have designed the current shape and identity of the estate. It will be a fascinating tour and wine tasting at this excellent estate.

Later this afternoon we'll make our way to our home for the next two days...the renowned wine estate of Baglio Soria Firriato. This ancient seventeenth-century structure of Baglio Sorìa is one with the agricultural estate. Located on a hill, overlooking the enchanting natural scenery of the Trapani countryside, Baglio Sorìa is a perfect example of a typical Sicilian architecture, extremely widespread in western Sicily.
The Baglio was the fulcrum of the working activities and life of the rural community. It was the point of reference for men and women who, from generation to generation, have shared it and handed it down to the present day, preserving the authenticity of Sicily and the proud spirit of its inhabitants. The original building consisted of the main house, the warehouses, the workshops for craftsmanship and some peasant houses. Truly a wonderful historic place to spend a couple of nights. Tonight you are free for dinner...you can relax and dine at the wonderful kitchen at Baglio Soria, or the bustling port city of Trapani is just 10 minutes away, with its abundance of restaurants,

Day 3 - Marsala and Florio

After breakfast this morning our Sicily tour continues with the charming and well-known town of Marsala, a Mediterranean city divided between sea and land, featuring unforgettable colors: bright yellow, intense blue, strong red, dazzling white and natural green. Famous throughout the world for the excellent wine that bears its name, Marsala went down in history for being the city where Garibaldi landed in Sicily for the liberation of Italy from the domination of the Bourbon kings. Marsala is internationally famous for several things: its wine, its history, and its wonderful coastline and beaches. The present-day name, deriving from the Arabic “Marsa Allah”, meaning “Port of God”, gives us an idea of just how strategically important the town once was. Before the Arabs, however, were the Romans, and before the Romans, the Carthaginians. We'll enjoy a walk through the city center to absorb the vibrant ambiance. The windy coasts of Marsala have welcomed merchants and adventurers, who reached this corner of Sicily from the most remote lands by sea, since the times of the Phoenicians who have the merit of having introduced viticulture to the island. Since ancient times, wines with a strong character have been produced here, linked to the unique sugary charge of the grapes that ripen under the scorching sun, It was not until 1773 that the English merchant John Woodhouse tasted these wines in the taverns of the port, and fell in love so much so that he wanted to send some barrels to England, adding a good dose of brandy, however, to prevent the wine from perishing during the crossing. Thus was born Marsala as we know it today. A wine that was so successful that it attracted other English entrepreneurs to Sicily who decided to produce it, to which the first Italian, Vincenzo Florio, joined in a short time. Having also arrived by sea from Calabria, Vincenzo Florio was the first to build the fortune of the family which was based, among other things, on an impressive naval fleet and dedicated himself to the production of this unique wine, creating the suggestive Cellars in 1833. The history of the Florio family is full of illustrious characters, marked by a talent for entrepreneurial innovation which in a century and a half changed the economic face of the island forever. We'll experience a guided tour of the Florio cellars, followed by a delicious light lunch and a memorable wine tasting experience!

Later we'll continue our exploration of the area with a visit to the famous Salt Road: here the salt marshes have given rise to one of the oldest salt-extracting industries in the world! Between Trapani and Marsala, the Salt Road is now protected for its interesting birdlife, and also as an important site of industrial archaeology.

Tonight we return to Baglio Soria Firriato, where it's time to turn our attention to their viniculture. Wine tastings are one of the flagship activities of the Firriato estate. An eno-sensorial journey of six wines in the style of Sicilian excellence, with a tale made of wines, work and the Sicilian land. This is what they present in the wine tastings on the Trapani estate: itineraries for wine lovers as well as for neophytes, who will find a taste experience in their glasses and as the winemakers present Firriato wines and the reference terroirs. But the night is not over...now it's time for cuisine! We'll enjoy an excellent dinner here, where history and tradition are combined with the flavors of their resident chefs who with care and creativity enhance local products by creating exclusive dishes.

Day 4 - Mazara del Vallo

After enjoying breakfast at Baglio Soria, we'll head south for the seaside city of Mazara del Vallo, an ancient Phoenician site, located at the mouth of the Mazaro river. This city is an important port of antiquity, chosen for its protected position and its proximity to Africa. A Greek commercial center, Mazara experienced its maximum splendor under the Arabs and, later, under the Normans. The mix of people who come and go in this town, not least the African neighbors, who still today make up a good percentage of the inhabitants, is particularly evident here. Mazara is still considered one of the main centers for deep sea fishing which constitutes over 20% of its livelihood. We'll have a walking tour of the old city, and if time permits, we recommend "getting lost" in the alleys of the ancient Arab Kasbah to savor the true essence of the place.

Later this morning we'll visit the family-owned estate of Tenuta Gorghi Tondi, where generations of winemakers have been growing their grapes in near pristine conditions within a nature reserve and WWF oasis. "Gorghi Tondi would never have been born without the love for nature of Dora, our great-grandmother "- says Annamaria and Clara Sala, today at the helm of the family business - "A love for grapes and for the land that, a century afterwards, it continues to nurture and thrill us too." It was in 2000 that their father Michele, with an experience of over forty years in the world of wine, decided, together with his wife Doretta, to start their own company together with their daughters. Thus the two sisters, after different life paths between them, end up finding themselves among the vineyards and the family wines, taking up the challenge of being able to build a future that would retrace that ancient dream that had always identified the Sala family with the Sicily of the wine of quality. After our cellar tour we'll retire to the tasting room to experience four of their Cru varieties.

Midday will find us back in Mazaro del Vallo, with time to wander and find your own lunch spot at a local eatery. This afternoon we'll head off to our next home, the amazing wine estate of Planeta Ulmo and Planeta Foresteria. As anyone who knew him well knows, Diego Planeta's vision has always had the decade as the minimum unit of measurement, and generation as the first horizon. When in the mid-1980s he convinced his brothers and sisters - very easily, he had the full confidence of all - to plant the first rows of Chardonnay and other "unconventional" varieties, the first goal was to start, a decade later, to a production that excelled in the panorama of Sicilian wines, and that - as he liked to say - "put Sicily on the map again". But there was a second even more ambitious goal, very clear in his mind, which he had tacitly entrusted to the next generation, to that of his children and grandchildren: on the basis of what had been planned and achieved in the previous thirty years, to produce wines that had as a horizon of competition the whole world, the great wine regions of which - this was an integral part of his vision - Sicily had to fully return to being a part.

We will enjoy a cellar tour and tasting at this prestigious estate, and then head to our home for the evening, the Planeta Foresteria estate. There is a wonderful group meal planned for tonight, relax and savor!

Day 5 - Sambuca di Sicilia, Agrigento

The journey to discover Sicily continues in the direction of the ancient Greek city of Selinunte. Here we'll explore classic landscape facing the Mediterranean Sea where we'll walk among the remains of the ancient acropolis located in the largest archaeological park in Europe! After ample time to marvel at the historic ruins, we'll sit down to lunch in one of our favorite local establishments, known for its typical Sicilian products. After a relaxing lunch, we'll have a cellar tour and tasting at one of Sicily's smaller regional wine producers, Mandrarossa Winery. This unique property was was born in 1999 from a study that lasted over 20 years, which led to the identification of the best variety / terroir combinations and the ideal habitats to ensure that each type of grape best expresses its potential.

After exploring the wines of Mandrarossa, we'll settle in for a scenic drive down the coast to our spectacular home for the next two nights, the 5 Star Grand Hotel Villa Athena, only 200 yards from the Temple of Concordia in the Valley of the Temples archaeological park. Check in and enjoy the beautiful views, or maybe cool off in the pool.

Day 6 - Agrigento

Today we'll enjoy a leisurely breakfast at our luxury hotel, then have free time until lunch. Then the work begins, as we roll up our sleeves for a traditional Sicilian cooking class! You'll learn how to prepare some of the most popular regional Sicilian dishes, and of course afterwards you'll sit down to enjoy the fruits of your labors. After lunch we'll head into nearby Agrigento for free time to explore the city center on your own. Agrigento has an amazing history with remnants of nearly all the peoples who conquered it...Greeks, Romans, barbarians, Byzantines, Arabs, and even the Normans. You can choose to have dinner in Agrigento or head back to your hotel to enjoy the cuisine there.

Day 7 - Valley of the Temples, Cefalù

After breakfast today we'll visit the nearby archaeological site of the Valley of the Temples, a UNESCO heritage site since 1997. An exceptional historic testimony to Magna Graecia’s presence in this area, the ancient ruins cover an area of over 3,200 acres! Founded by the Greeks in the 6th century BC, the city became one of the largest in the Greek empire. The city changed hands to the Carthaginians and then the Romans, and today it represents one of the most memorable and evocative sites from the ancient world.

We'll depart the area at late morning and head north through the mountainous interior of Sicily. By midday we'll have reached the famed wine estate of Tenuta Regaleali. In 1830, two Tasca brothers bought the “Tenuta Regaleali” estate, a green oasis in the centre of Sicily, in the ancient County of Sclafani. Since then, generation after generation, the family has been custodians of this territory and have shared its fruits with passion. After the two wars of the last century, at a time when Sicily was not known for its agricultural products or for the variety of its territories, they began to make wine on the Regaleali Estate: a fresh, light white wine (among the few that were easy to drink at that time), a red wine with a medium-bodied structure and a very respectable rosé wine: the three wines on which Regaleali built its fame. In 1959, the grandfather of the current owner, Giuseppe Tasca d’Almerita planted Perricone and Nero d’Avola vines on the San Lucio hill, investing in a future that few Sicilians could imagine at the time. He thus created the basis for the first single vineyard wine in Sicily: the “Riserva del Conte”, a red wine of particular longevity, it is still today an icon of the estate. Each generation added more grape varieties...Inzolia, Nero d'Avola, Catarratto, Perricone, Nerello Mascalese and Grillo. This amazing estate has almost 600 hectares, 12 types of different soils, 6 hills between 450 and 850 metres above sea level, and is an island in its own right, a monopole to be studied and understood with great precision. All their wines come from a single vineyard, or from more than one vineyard, but always within the same estate. Needless to say we'll enjoy our cellar tour and tasting at Regaleali, and sit down to a great meal as well!

In the afternoon we'll again board our private coach and head through the rolling hills to the north coast of Sicily and the town of Cefalu, a charming historic town and seaside resort on Sicily's scenic Tyrrhenian coast. Originally a fishing village, today Cefalù boasts a marvelous sandy beach alongside a delightful medieval village with narrow streets, small squares and plenty of shops, bars, and restaurants. Our 4-Star hotel sits between the striking seacoast and the historic old town, giving us the best of both worlds. After checking into our hotel we'll have some free time to explore the old city before sitting down to our farewell dinner. There are many adventures to be re-lived, many toasts to be made, and many new friends to exchange photographs with. An excellent ending to an amazing tour of Sicily!

Day 8 - Arrivederci

This morning after breakfast your Go Get Lost tour will end. You can opt for an optional transfer to Palermo's airport to catch a flight, (about an hour) or head off on your own to parts unknown.


Due to availability at the time of booking, hotels listed may change to similar hotels

Palermo - 4-Star Quintocanto Hotel & Spa: In the heart of Baroque Palermo, near the Quinto Canti of the city, the Quintocanto Hotel & Spa loves to welcome its guest and accompany them towards the dimension of discovery and relaxation. An elegantly designed hotel furnished in a mimimal style, thanks to its relaxed atmosphere and its central location, it is the ideal place for those travelers who want to discover the major attractions of the city. Their exclusive Spa with the wellness program of sauna, Turkish bath, whirlpool, and massage, combined with the flavors of the excellent cuisine of their restaurant "Locanda del Gusto" will make you live an unforgettable experience in the heart of Palermo.

Marsala - 4 Star Baglio Soria Firriato: This boutique resort has 16 rooms immersed in the countryside of Trapani, green and lively like the fruits it gives. We have designed elegant and comfortable rooms because they convey our idea of ​​hospitality. Each room keeps intact the charm of the classic style typical of the Sicilian countryside. However, we have added our personal vision to the original architecture, with a restoration work that combines the historic structure with the comforts of a modern and functional resort. The ancient artifacts have been enhanced, in order to remain as faithful as possible to what was the original architecture. The materials used for the rooms of the resort adapt perfectly to the climatic characteristics of the area, protecting the interior from the heat of summer and thus ensuring a reduction in emissions and significant energy savings. And again, the white stone blends perfectly with the landscape, without altering its beauty and authenticity.

Menfi - 4 Star Hotel Foresteria Ulmo Planeta: La Foresteria stands on a green hill with a splendid view over the countryside near Menfi, representing the nature and style of the Planeta family’s hospitality. The resort is immersed in a harmonious expanse of vineyards and olive groves, and welcomes those who wish to enjoy a holiday in a peaceful oasis between the beautiful Sicilian coast and the calm of the country. A luxury Resort with infinity pool, a short distance far away from the Porto Palo beach, where their guests can relax in their private area. The fourteen rooms of La Foresteria Planeta, with views to the sea and over Menfi’s countryside, surrounded by an enchanting Mediterranean garden with swimming pool, take their names from the herbs you see when walking on the terraces. Each room represents the right balance between function and elegance, and although similar in their warm Mediterranean style, they have different furnishings and provide accommodation for every time of day. They invite you to enjoy your stay at La Foresteria, in the authentic style of Sicilian hospitality.

Agrigento - 5 Star Grand Hotel Villa Athena: Princely residence of the late 18th century. it is itself the keeper of the classical vestiges that are discovered at every corner. The recent restoration of the resort has resulted in a profound renewal of all the rooms, rooms and suites overlooking the temples and the park of centuries-old olive trees. The atmosphere of the 5-star hotel that recalls the noble tradition of this "home" pervades everything where everything is original and unique with refined furnishings and impeccable service, enriched by the warmth and friendliness typical of Sicily. Nothing here will disturb your rest, except the Temple of Concord , whose view could keep you awake for more than one night.

Cefalu - 4 Star Hotel Le Calette: For more than fifty years, Le Calette has been known worldwide as one of the most evocative corners of the Sicilian coast. Boutique Hotel immersed in a vast park 2 km from the historic center of Cefalù, a UNESCO heritage site, follows the folds of the Caldura bay with Mediterranean architecture, insinuating itself into the coves from which it takes its name. Mediterranean terraces and gardens overlook the sea with restaurants, bars, beach clubs and wellness areas.

What´s Included

  • 1 night double occupancy accom at 4 Star Quinto Canto hotel, or similar - Palermo
  • 2 nights double occupancy accom at 4 Star Baglio Soria Firriato, or similar - Marsala
  • 1 night double occupancy accom at 4 Star Planeta Estate, or similar - Menfi
  • 2 nights double occupancy Superior accom at 5 Star Grand Hotel Villa Athena, or similar - Agrigento
  • 1 night double occupancy Classic accom at 4 Star Le Calette, or similar - Cefalu
  • All meals as listed in itinerary: 7 breakfasts, 5 lunches, 4 dinners and 8 wine tours and tastings (All group meals include water and local wine)
  • Cooking class in Agrigento
  • Entrance fees to Martonana Church in Palermo, Palermo Cathedral, Palatina Chapel in Palermo, Archaeological Park of Selinunte, Valley of the Temples, Cefalu Cathedral
  • City hotel taxes
  • All listed activities, tours, visits, etc
  • Private coach and driver from Days 2-7
  • All tips except for your primary local tour leader
  • English speaking Tour Leader/Guide, accompanying group as per itinerary
  • Local guide service at Archaeological sites, where foreseen
  • Go Get Lost tour manager

What´s not Included

  • Meals not specified in itinerary
  • Beverages at meals unless specified in itinerary (all group meals include water and local wine)
  • Trip Cancellation/Interruption and Medical Insurance (strongly recommended), call for details
  • Single supplement charge
  • Items of a personal nature; phone calls, laundry, etc.
  • Arrival and Departure transfers
  • International airfare, tour begins at the hotel in Palermo on the afternoon of Day 1, and ends at the hotel in Cefalu on the morning of Day 8
  • Tip for the primary local guide
  • Any costs associated with options or free time

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